Restoration of sovereignty and liberation of united Balochistan as a democratic country with guarantees for peace, prosperity, gender equality and social justice. All the resources, above or under the soil and waters are equally owned by and shall be shared and benefited by all the Baloch people, living around the world, equally without any discrimination on any base; color, class, religion, area, gender or sexual orientation
Logo of the Government of Balochistan in Exile is the sun of Mehrgarh, the first known symbol of time measurement in the human history. Mehrgarh is the Baloch civilization 9000 BC to 25000 BC, known as the first urban civilization on earth. Sun has been the symbol of the government of Balochistan since 1410 and the symbol of Medians and Madistan the ancient Kurd Balochistan.
Flag of Balochistan
Tri color national flag of Balochistan is a symbol of unity and struggle for liberation. Red color is to tribute the sacrifices of Baloch martyrs, green symbolizes passion for peace and prosperity, blue is to honor the Baloch Sea and aspirations of Baloch nation.
For diplomacy and lobby with other countries and international bodies a formal structure is required. Many governments in exile proved as success stories in past such as Republic of Kosovo, Kuwait, France, India and Algeria. In present many autonomous governments in exile are working to achieve independence such as Administrative-Territorial Units of the Left Bank of the Dniester, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Government of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia, Provisional Administration of South Ossetia, East Turkmenistan Government in Exile and Central Tibetan Administration Establishment It was the aspiration and desired strategy of the Baloch since March 27, 1948 the day of foreign invasion on the capital of Balochistan, the first exiled leader of liberation, Prince Abdul Karim Ahmadzai tried to form a Baloch government in exile but the governments of Afghanistan and former Soviet Union did not agree to host the government. Further efforts for a Baloch government in Exile such as one in 1980s by Baba Jumma Khan Baloch and Professor M. Y. Durra couldn’t get success. In August 2016 a prominent Baloch liberation leader Professor Naela Quadri Baloch called for a government of Balochistan in Exile, she invited all the Baloch parties and groups to join hands to form a government in exile to prove claim of statehood of Balochistan. Senior Baloch leadership; founder of the previous government in Exile and hero of the book “One Man Army” Baba Jumma Khan Baloch, founder of the first Baloch students Organization “Warna Waninda Gal” which transformed into BSO, Waja Sidik Azad Baloch, Veteran Baloch mass leader Waja Yousuf Mustikhan, Senior Baloch political leader Dr. Hakeem Lehri with Baloch women and youth activists contributed in the process of dialogue, connectivity with Baloch masses, formation of the governmental structure and diplomatic relations with the like minded countries. A strategy was developed to avoid mistakes and loopholes of past experiences, as some of the calculated milestones achieved on 21 March 2022, experienced and devoted Baloch liberation activists from all three parts of the divided and occupied Balochistan successfully formed the Government of Balochistan in Exile. Administration and Activities Structure of the Government body includes Baloch leaders from all three parts of Balochistan; in present included in Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan. It is an inclusive body enabled to elect more office bearers with gaining of increased support from Baloch liberation groups and activists.
Membership of the government is on individual base open for 60 million Balochs all over the world to apply for citizenship and Golden passport to have right to vote, get elected and give input in the policies, strategies and activities. Balochistan is their ancestral country and motherland, anyone who’s both or one parent; mother or father is Baloch shall have citizen rights in Balochistan, if they are living outside Balochistan no matter for how long, they may keep the other citizenship according to their own will after the independence of Balochistan.
Aficionado of Balochistan
Aficionado of Balochistan status is given to the individuals from any country or ethnic origin who support the cause of restoration of independence of Balochistan. Blue passport will be issued to them. Their names and support will be recorded and displayed as a memorable part in the history of Balochistan and they will be given preference in future opportunities for work and business.
Diplomacy and Advocacy
The elected Prime Minister and Ministers have been given the mandate to establish diplomatic relations with the friendly governments who value freedom, democracy and human rights. GoBE is established to persuade the international bodies and rights forums including the United Nations to support the liberation of Balochistan.
Balochistan: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

The Baloch have a population of an estimated 60 million plus people around the world. The majority reside in the divided territories of Balochistan in Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan. Balochs have also been living for centuries in Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Middle East, Africa, Australia and India, contributing as responsible and hardworking citizens of these countries and regions. As a result of the ongoing genocide, the Baloch diaspora has taken refuge in Europe, North America and other countries. Balochs are one of the most blessed people on earth by all means; our vast country from central Asia till the Baloch Sea in Indian Ocean is full of the most precious treasures materially and spiritually. Balochistan has the honor to have one of the highest esteemed Sufi place Lahot Lamakan, the most prestigious temple of one of the most powerful goddesses Hinglaj Nani in Lasbela, In Bolan Pir Ghaeb Lateef ibne Ali (as) and Bibi Nani Ruqayya bint e Hussain (as) Quadri Bethaks in Kalat and Gwadar where Ghous e Azam Dastagir performed meditations and Koh e Murad in Kech a centre for Zikr and purification. Sistan Balochistan is the birthplace of Zartosht (Zoroaster) and Avesta is written in the ancient Balochi text script.
We are one of the richest nations in the world if we assess our assets of gold, oil, gas, Uranium, and precious stones. We own the longest coast in Asia around 2000km on the opening of strait of Hurmag (Hurmuz) till Karachi. Our pearl like clean sea is full of the world’s largest prawns, dolphins, sharks, whales, huge size green turtles called living dinosaurs, and other marine life. Millions of years ago the great land of Balochistan was lush with greenery and jungles plenty of food was available during the Mesozoic Era. Complete skeleton of one of those dinosaurs was found in Dera Bugti Balochistan, research by the archeologists and zoologists have proved that the famous Baloch horse’s ancestors were these dinosaurs named Baloch Therium. Life is flowing here from prehistory till today in a sequence, there is not single evidence of any discontinuation. From simple to complex, from Paleolithic Period, Mesolithic Period, Neolithic Period to the first urban civilization on earth, layer by layer all the evolution of human society is preserved in Mehrgarh. The whole of Baloch landscape is full of archeological sites that show our wonderful past and our contribution in human civilization. Mehrgarh is the jewel of Baloch-Kurd civilization where the very basic tools were invented from stone age tools to wheel and expression by writing in symbols proto writing, horticulture, agriculture, chemistry, geometry and medicine, evidences of dentistry tools found in Mehrgarh, and many other inventions which were introduced to the other parts of the world thousands of years later. Wheel is known as the foundation of civilizations, as its invention made transportation traveling easy, its use in pulley and other basic instruments made economic development faster, later it became an essential part of many simple and complex machines. It is an honor that the wheel was first invented in Mehrgarh Balochistan. From the ancient tombs of Kharan gold covered mummified bodies and Sphinx on the mountain of Makran are no coincidence. Remains of Shahr e Sutka or Shahr e Sokhta in Balochistan shows it was a prosperous and modern city of its time, a place where art of animation invented. The archeological sites of Balochistan deserve to be preserved and protected as the precious story of human race on the globe. Today's life of Baloch people divided in three countries, deliberately kept away from knowledge, infrastructure, social and human development, its difficult to understand and acknowledge our actual contribution in the creation of today’s human civilization.
Dividing Colonial lines of Goldsmith, Durand and McMahon
As a result of colonial policies, different parts of Balochistan were given to the neighbouring countries in the name of treaties to damage our social fabric and break our unity as a nation. Gold Smith (1871) Line divides the country of Balochistan at western side, contains historic Baloch ports; Chahbahr, Tess, Kambaran (Bandar Abbass) Oil, gas and gold reservoirs. The Baloch King and his representative Sardar Faqir Bizanjov did not accept the treaty and resisted against Iran’s occupation many times, till today Baloch people are kept uneducated, no proper infrastructure and development is done there purposely just like by Pakistan to push the Baloch people in stone age to loot and exploit their resources. Ports of Chahbahr and Gwadar are given to China by Iran and Pakistan respectively, against the will of Baloch people, who are facing genocide and displacements. Development or military plans want the Baloch coastline Baloch-Free, they don’t want daughters and sons of the soil to be there, the plans are for millions of settlers and foreign military navy bases. On the both sides of the infamous Goldsmith line, conspiracies of further dividing both the western and eastern Balochistan are working at state levels. All the bordering districts of Balochistan in Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan are already sliced and included in the neighbouring provinces, but now the name of Balochistan is itself at the target. It is erased from the text books in Iran and division of west Balochistan into four parts is the state plan along with fast settlement of non-Baloch populations on the Baloch coastline. Same is the policy in the Eastern Balochistan; they are dividing Balochistan into Southern and Northern parts, then the Southern part to be declared as federal government authority, so they can sell our ports and islands. Line of Durand (1895) divides Baloch and Pashtun lands against their will, none of us have ever accepted it. Baloch areas of Nimroz, Southern Herat, Helmund and Registan of southern Kandahar were included in Afghanistan, and Afghan areas of Chaman, Loralai, Zhob were included in British Balochistan. Baloch always have respected the rights of Afghanistan on these areas and Afghans have always respected rights of Baloch people on their lands. Both the nations want to end the Durand line and reunification of Baloch and Pashtun land to their respective countries Balochistan and Afghanistan. McMahon Line divided the Baloch areas from Balochistan, taken by the British government on lease from the government of Balochistan, as per contract they were bound to give these back to Balochistan but at the time of quitting India British left these areas in hands of Newly created Pakistan via Stand Still Agreement of 11 Aug. 1947. Pakistan instead of handing over our areas back to Balochistan, they included them in their provinces; Dera Ghazikhan, Tonsa Sharif, Bhakkar, Muzaffargar and some other Baloch majority areas given to Punjab. Karachi (old Kulanchi only, today’s Karachi is extended on the Sindhi lands that Baloch has no claims on a single inch of Sindh or any other neighbouring nation) Shahdadkot, Khangarh (Jacobabad) and other adjoining Baloch areas to Sindh. Dera Ismail Khan to KPK. GBE will strive to integrate the Baloch lands back to Balochistan. We expect from the oppressed Sindhi, working class of Iran, Punjab and Afghan sisters and brothers that they will stand with us in reunification of Baloch people and lands, we shall keep our struggle for unification of Balochistan and to erase the horrid lines of Goldsmith, Durand and McMahon from the face of our motherland Balochistan. Ensure Equal Rights on Economic Resources, Opportunities and Justice All the resources in Balochistan above and beneath the soil and waters belongs to 60 million plus Balochs equally without any discrimination of color, gender, region, religion, class or age. All have equal rights on opportunities and social justice for all. GBE’s mission is a Balochistan where every citizen breathes with peace, prosperity and dignity.
Forced annexation of Balochistan in Pakistan
The country of Balochistan was divided by the colonial lines in the name of territorial disputes and lease agreements, however, the central Balochistan still existed as a sovereign country. In the Stand Still Agreement British and newly created Pakistan’s Government endorsed the sovereignty of Balochistan. After few months of coming into existence, Mr. Jinnah the ruler of Pakistan and one of the lawyers of Balochistan who advocated the sovereign status of Balochistan in the British commissions, wrote a letter to the King Ahmed Yar Khan of Balochistan to meet him and annex Balochistan to Pakistan on the bases of common religion. The Royal highness refused to meet him and sent him his response that he does not has the mandate to make any decision on sovereignty of the country, he will put the matter in the parliament, according to the constitution of Balochistan, parliament has the mandate to decide, not the King alone. Both the House of Lords and the House of Commons of the parliament of Balochistan unanimously rejected the bill of annexation with Pakistan. Each and every member of the parliament emphasized on the sovereign status of the country of Balochistan. In the historical speech of the head of the House of Commons, Mir Ghous BukhshBizanjov said: “We are Muslims for few centuries and Baloch for thousands of years, we shall never surrender our national identity and sovereignty to a newly created country on religion or any other base” on March 27, 1948 Pakistan military attacked on Kalat, the capital of Balochistan, rockets and bullets shot on the Royal palace and the Royal Masjid, King was arrested and a signature of annexation was taken under duress, which was never endorsed by the parliament of Balochistan, so it has no legal value. The Contract of annexation is based on the Indian States Act 1935, which is unapplicable on Balochistan because Balochistan was never an Indian state, Balochistan had recognized international borders and its sovereign status, was endorsed by the British and neighbour countries in many contracts and agreements including the Stand Still Agreement of August 11, 1947 signed by Mr. Jinnah himself. It was the responsibility of the United Nations and member states to protect the sovereignty of Balochistan and to pull back Pakistan from the international boundaries of Balochistan, were violated by Pakistan. Baloch nation is in a persistent and incessant struggle to take its sovereignty back and to be a responsible member of the global community as a unified, democratic and peaceful country.
Halt Systematic Military Operations and Eliminations
Unfortunately, the Baloch people are facing the worst kind of military operations and violations of basic human rights on both sides of the Goldsmith line, being a Baloch is considered a lethal crime by the forces of Iran and Pakistan. GoBE advocates to end all sorts of military operations, extra-judicial killings, enforced displacements, systematic eliminations and to end the culture of impunity. The perpetrators of abuse of Basic human rights in Balochistan should be brought to the court of justice. In this regard GoBE seeks the support of all Bodies and forums including the United Nations and other regional and international communities. Advocacy campaigns, diplomacy, adopting integrated policies, and looking for friends of Baloch people will be opted.
Genocide Involuntary / Enforced Disappearances
“Disappearing a person involuntary by force is a crime against humanity.”, United Nations. Since 1948 the forced annexation of the Balochistan by Pakistan, the Baloch are facing systematic eliminations, abuse of rights with impunity. Baloch under Iranian administration are facing the same fate; majority of the prisoners and victims in death rows are Baloch or Kurds, torture and denial of all rights of a prisoner including fair trial and provision of a lawyer is a routine norm there. More than sixty thousand Balochs are enforced disappeared by the state of Pakistan, including women, children and elderly persons. The youngest victim is a female infant of seven days. Most of the victims are young students and intelligentsia. State forces are busy in bombing on civil populations, burning forests, fields and orchards, shooting cattle, poisoning natural water bodies, burning schools, acid throwing on female students. More than ten thousand mutilated bodies of enforced disappeared Balochs found thrown on roadsides and in wilderness in last few years. Mass graves discovered with hundreds of bodies of men, women and children, according to the doctors who examined the bodies, the victims were buried alive. Fake encounters are claimed by the CTD a state force, while bullet riddled bodies reach local hospitals, hundreds of them identified as enforced disappeared Balochs, kept away from sunlight, extremely malnourished and tortured. Organ harvest of enforced disappeared Balochs is another horrific chapter of genocide; thousands of bodies have been found without vital organs, on roof of Nishtar hospital Multan, five hundred bodies were found dumped, their organs were removed, most of them were in Baloch outfits including women. Rape is frequently used as a weapon of persecution; Pakistan army attacks civil populations, indiscriminately rape women and kids in front of the families, young Baloch girls are called in army camps for sexual abuse, in case of refusal they are picked up by force on false allegations of terrorism, many girls commit suicide; Najma Baloch a young graduate and a volunteer teacher committed suicide on continuous harassment by the officer of army camp in Tump Balochistan, he was asking for sexual favors and spying of the freedom fighters from Najma, she is one of many young females finding death the only option to avoid rape and humiliation. Survivors of torture have witnessed Baloch women under sexual torture in Pakistan’s rape cells, testimonies of Mr. Munir Mengal and Mr. Ehsan Arjumandi have been submitted in the United Nations as witnesses of rape and torture of Baloch women by the Pakistan army. Only in early months of the year 2022, 63 Balochs were hanged to death without providing legal right to defend against false allegations by the dictatorial state of Iran. People from different parts of Balochistan and from all walks of life are victims of enforced disappearances. Mostly young students, doctors, journalists, intellectual and human rights activists are the target of killing and enforced disappearances. GoBE will take all measures to bring back the victims of enforced disappearances safely, and to present the perpetrators to court of justice and to end the culture of impunity and denial.
Right to Cultural Identity
Our culture and identity originate from the Baloch soil, mother of the first urban civilization on earth. We created geometry, chemistry, time measurement, dentistry, pottery industry, agriculture of the first wheat, cotton and plums, creation of wheal, currency, proto writing, town planning, painting, dance, dresses, caps, turbans, wigs, tie and jewelry in Mehrgarh. Figurines and art of Mehrgarh, Kech, Naal, Shahr e Sutka, Ahura Mazda on the gold-plated Mummies of Kharan, Sphynx of Makran, Princess of Hope, and many more prove our glorious past and contributions that provides foundations of today’s modern human society. Balochi script is one of the oldest scripts that needs to be revived. The unique geometrical shapes that found on the pottery and coins of Mehrgarh and Kech archeological sites, are still alive motifs and designs our women create as embroidery and carpets everyday. Baloch civilization is the grandmother of other civilizations in our neighbourhood.
The role played by language in aggregation and social identification is un-disputable. It contributes in defining the identity of a human community. Including the principles of non-discrimination and pluralism, GoBE will opt plans to develop all the Baloch languages; Balochi, Brahui, Lasi, Seraiki, Jadgali, Dehwari, Langvi, Khetrani and others. GoBE will take measures to protect and develop Balochi languages, literature, creation of Balochi software, making our languages a medium of mass communication, official use and for provision of basic education in mother language which is highly important for brain development and knowledge gain of our children. GoBE will put efforts to promote and preserve Baloch identity, history, culture, Code of Honor and great traditions.
Eradication of Gender based discriminations and violence
GoBE advocates gender equality and rejects all forms of gender-based discriminations and violence. The custom of Honorkilling and feticide/infanticide of transgenders is crime against humanity and we struggle for equal rights of life, opportunities, and respect for all genders Equal Opportunities of Social and Economic Development for All Baloch from each and every corner of Balochistan, Burzkoh, Nimroz to Derajat till Makran shall be provided equal opportunities in education, skill development, employment, infrastructure, agriculture, IT and industrialization. All the measures for gender equity, religious and ethnic pluralism shall be taken in fair and transparent means.
Balochistan Shall follow the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Policy
The Nuclearization of Balochistan on 28 May 1998 evaporated all the moisture of the land, no rainfall for six years, drought killed 90% of the cattle and wildlife, many species went extinct unnoticed, thousands of villages uninhibited, cancer became a common disease in the area, stillbirth and abnormal babies are born in the area till today, no steps taken to treat people or bring any comfort in their lives. Local and international support organizations are not allowed to help them or even reach out. In Dera Ghazi Khan, a Baloch area, cancer is spreading due to Uranium mining and nuclear activities of Pakistan atomic energy commission. Pakistan and Iran are misusing Balochistan for nuclear proliferation which is illegal and immoral, it is a crucial threat to our people and global security. Our nuclear policy is non proliferation in accordance with the United Nations conventions.
Regional and International Vision: Peace Prosperity Pluralism
Our vision for the future world is peace, prosperity and pluralism. We honor all religions, cultures and civilizations as common assets of Homo-Sapiens. We have equal rights to live and grow as we like, with out harming or hurting anyone. The country of Balochistan shall contribute in global development and peaceful coexistence.
South Asian Union of all our neighbouring countries; Balochistan, India, Iran, Kurdistan, Sindhudesh, Afghanistan, Bangladesh and other willing countries can be a solution to peace and prosperity in the region with a positive global impact